Halong Tours

How to get from HALONG BAY to PHU QUOC?

How do you get from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island? You can travel by plane or train/bus and boat via Saigon.

Bus + Flight to Phu Quoc Bus+Train+Boat to Phu Quoc Book Tickets to Phu Quoc

    • Travel distance from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam is about 2300 km by land – train/bus+boat. If you take a bus and flight via Hanoi it is about 1500 km. The best and fastest option of transport to Phu Quoc Island from Halong Bay is to travel by bus/taxi + flight via Hanoi. First, you have to travel by bus/minivan or taxi from Ha Long to Hanoi (or Noi Bai Airport) and from Noi Bai Airport you can take a direct flight to Phu Quoc International Airport, sometimes these flights are cheap. There are a few direct flights to this island every day. Travel time by bus/minivan + flight to Phu Quoc via Hanoi – Noi Bai Airport is totally about 6-8 hours and it costs about $40-220/pp.
    • Another possibility is to take a direct flight to Phu Quoc from Hai Phong city (Cat Bi Airport, about 50 km from Ha Long town). But the flight schedule from Hai Phong to Phu Quoc is very limited. There are some local public buses between Ha Long town and Hai Phong city. Teoretically you can also take some flight to Phu Quoc with stopover from Van Don International Airport (located in Cam Ranh, about 50 km from Ha Long town). Ha Long town has no airport, the closest airports are in Hai Phong (Cat Bi Airport) and Cam Ranh (Van Don Airport), but still the best way is to take a flight from Hanoi – Noi Bai Airport, because there are a lot of direct and also low-cost fligths.
    • Book your flights or tickets from Ha Long to Phu Quoc Island on Baolau icon-external-link-square or hanoitohalong.com icon-external-link-square

From Hanoi to Phu Quoc Island you can travel by plane or train + bus + boat.

    • If you want to travel by land to Phu Quoc from Halong Bay, it is also possible, but this way takes a lot of time. It is a good idea if you want to visit also another sites of central or southern Vietnam. This option has 4 travel routes and options. In first step you have to travel by bus/minivan from Ha Long to Hanoi. From Hanoi Railway Station you can travel by sleeper (or seat) train of Vietnam Railways to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon Railway Station). From Ho Chi Minh City you can travel by tourist bus + boat/ferry to Phu Quoc Island via Ha Tien or Rach Gia port towns.
    • Travel by bus + train + ferry from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island takes totally about 52-60 hours (train to Saigon from Hanoi takes about 33-35 hours). There are a few ferries and boats from Rach Gia and Ha Tien to Phu Quoc Island, there is no other way how to get to Phu Quoc (if you do not take a flight). You can search and book tickets and flights to Phu Quoc from Halong Bay easily online. From Phu Quoc you can travel to Koh Rong Island in Cambodia via border crossing. Koh Rong and nearby Sihanoukville is the most popular beach area in Cambodia.

How do I get from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc?

1. BUS + FLIGHT from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc

A) Bus or Minivan from Halong Bay to Hanoi

Bạn đang xem: ha long bay to pho quac

    • from Ha Long you can travel by bus or minivan to Hanoi or Noi Bai Airport
    • travel by bus or minivan from Ha Long to Hanoi takes about 2.5-3 hours
    • transfer by bus or minivan from Ha Long to Hanoi costs about $4.50-20/pp
    • buses or minivans arrive to various places in Hanoi city center
    • bus companies to Hanoi from Ha Long: Kumho Viet Thanh, Phuc Xuyen, Hung Duc, Greenlion, Grouptour…
    • there are also private taxi cars, you can book bus tickets or car to Hanoi online

B) Direct Flight from Hanoi to Phu Quoc Island

    • there are direct flights from Hanoi – Noi Bai Airport to Phu Quoc Island
    • direct flight to Phu Quoc Island from Hanoi takes about 2-2.5 hours
    • direct flights from Hanoi to Phu Quoc Island cost about $35-200/pp
    • flight is the fastest way how to travel to Phu Quoc from Hanoi
    • airlines from Hanoi to Phu Quoc Island: VietJet Air, Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo Airways, JetStar Pacific…
    • you can also travel by plane via Ho Chi Minh City in southern Vietnam
    • read this article: How to go from Hanoi to Phu Quoc?

How you can go from Hanoi City center to Noi Bai Airport? You can take a private taxi (it costs about $15-20/car) or you can take Express Bus No.86 (bus tickets costs about $1.50/pp).

You can also travel by plane from Hai Phong (Cat Bi Airport), it is about 50 km from Ha Long town, but the flight schedule is limited. So it is bettter to travel by plane from Noi Bai Airport, there are a lot of flights to Phu Quoc Island every day.

From Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island you can travel by bus+flight via Hanoi – Noi Bai Airport, it is the most fastest option of transfer.

2. BUS + TRAIN + BOAT from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc

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This option has 4 steps and it takes a lot of travel time. First you have to travel to Hanoi by bus/minivan, from Hanoi you can take a sleeper train to Ho Chi Minh City. From Ho Chi Minh City you can travel by bus to Ha Tien or Rach Gia and from these port towns you can take a boat to Phu Quoc Island.

A) Bus or Minivan from Ha Long to Hanoi

    • from Ha Long town you can travel by bus /minivan to Hanoi Railway Station
    • transport by bus / minivan from Ha Long to Hanoi takes about 2.5-3 hours
    • transport by bus or minivan from Ha Long to Hanoi costs about $4.50-20/pp
    • buses arrive to various places or stations in Hanoi city center
    • bus companies to Hanoi: Kumho Viet Thanh, Phuc Xuyen, Hung Duc, Greenlion, Grouptour…
    • there are also private taxis or cars/minivans, you can book bus tickets or car/taxi to Hanoi online

B) TRAIN from Hanoi Railway Station to Ho Chi Minh City

    • transfer by train from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City takes about 32-37 hours
    • transfer by train from Hanoi to Saigon costs about $25-60 (seats, sleeper, train of Vietnam Railways)
    • travel time by train to Saigon from Hanoi is about 33-35 hours
    • it is highgly recommended to book your train tickets in advance online!
    • train ticket by email, ready to print or carry in your phone/tablet and present when boarding the train in Hanoi
    • trains to Saigon depart from Hanoi Railway Station (120 Lê Duẩn in Hoan Kiem)
    • you can also travel by private luxury sleeper train via Da Nang in central Vietnam
    • read this article: Hanoi to Saigon – Train Schedule

C) BUS + BOAT/FERRY from Saigon to Phu Quoc (via Ha Tien or Rach Gia)

    • there are buses from Ho Chi Minh to Ha Tien and Rach Gia (there is no railway)
    • from Rach Gia or Ha Tien port towns you can travel by boat/ferry directly to Phu Quoc Island
    • transfer by tourist bus + boat to Phu Quoc from Ho Chi Minh City takes totally about 12 hours
    • read and check this article: How do I get from Saigon to Phu Quoc?
    • there are also various direct flights from Tan Son Nhat Airport in Saigon to Phu Quoc Island
From Ha Long to Phu Quoc you can get by bus+train+boat via Hanoi, Saigon + Ha Tien/Rach Gia (photo: Phu Quoc Express boat, Baolau).

icon-info-circle FAQ + TIPS – Travel from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc:

How to book tickets / flights from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island?

    • Book tickets or flights from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc online on Baolau or hanoitohalong.com.
    • You can search + book another tickets, flights, e.g. Ha Long > Hanoi, Hanoi > Ho Chi Minh…

How long does it take to get from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island?

    • Travel by bus+plane from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc (via Hanoi) takes about 6-8 hours.
    • Travel by bus/train+boat from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc (via Hanoi, Saigon, Ha Tien/Rach Gia) takes about 52-60 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island?

    • Travel by bus+plane from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island (via Hanoi) costs about $40-220/pp.
    • Travel by bus/train+boat from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc (via Hanoi, Saigon, Ha Tien/Rach Gia) costs about $50-100/pp.

What is the travel distance from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc?

    • Travel distance from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc Island is about 2300 km by train/bus+boat and about 1500 km by plane.

What is the cheapest option of transfer from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc?

    • The cheapest option how to travel to Phu Quoc Island from Halong Bay is to travel by land – take a bus+train+ferry. But this way takes a lot of time and it is not so comfortable. The most cheapest option should cost about $40-50/pp.

What is the best and fast option of transfer from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc?

    • The best and fastest option of transfer to Phu Quoc Island from Ha Long is to travel by bus+plane via Hanoi. Teoretically you can also travel by bus to Hai Phong and take a direct flight from Cat Bi Airport to Phu Quoc. But the flight schedule to Phu Quoc from Hai Phong is very limited.

From which ports/towns speedboats and ferries to Phu Quoc depart?

    • You have to reach Ha Tien and Rach Gia port towns in southern Vietnam. These are the closest places to Phu Quoc Island. From this towns you can travel by boat or ferry to Phu Quoc Island.
    • Read and check this article: Ferry/Boat to Phu Quoc Island – Schedule.

Where you can go and travel from Phu Quoc Island?

    • From Phu Quoc Island you can travel to Cambodia or visit another island in southern Vietnam. The most popular travel routes are from Phu Quoc to Phnom Penh – the capital of Cambodia, or from Phu Quoc to Con Dao Island in Ba Ria-Vung Tau province. Con Dao is not so crowded island like Phu Quoc.
The Phu Quoc cable car is an over-the-sea cable car route that connects the An Thoi town in Phu Quoc with Hon Thom Island.
Phu Quoc Island is accessible only by tourist boat or ferry from Rach Gia or Ha Tien port towns.
Phu Quoc Island offers various nice beaches for tourists, ideal for beach relax.

icon-arrow-circle-right Book tickets or flights and boats from Halong Bay to Phu Quoc:

(You can book another tickets, e.g. Hanoi > Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh > Phu Quoc, Ha Tien > Phu Quoc…)

Vung Tau >Phu Quoc|Soc Trang > Con Dao|Can Tho > Con Dao|Chiang Mai > K.Phi Phi|Surat Thani > Koh Tao|Lao Cai > Sapa|Trains to Sapa

Tham khảo: 8 Magnificent & Mysterious Halong Bay Caves to Witness at Least Once

Phu Quoc to Bangkok icon-angle-double-right

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