Halong Junks

How to get from HO CHI MINH to HALONG BAY?

How to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay
How to travel from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay? You can travel by plane, train or bus and book tickets online.

Train + Bus to Ha Long Flight to Ha Long Bay Book Tickets Online

From Ho Chi Minh City to Halong Bay you can travel by train+bus or plane.

    • Halong Bay is one of the most visited places in Vietnam, written in UNESCO heritage list, located in Quang Ninh province in northern Vietnam. Thousands of tourists come every day to visit this unique place. It is a famous and well-known place for various boat cruises and trips. There are about 2000 various small and big islands, beaches and also a lot of travelers from all the world. From Ha Long (Tuan Chau Island) you can also travel to the biggest island in northern Vietnam – Cat Ba Island. It is easy to get there from Hanoi, there are various tourist buses or private taxi/minivan, but from Ho Chi Minh City in the south of Vietnam it is a bit different. Traveling by train from Saigon to Hanoi is a good and cheap way if you want to visit also another places in central Vietnam.

Travel distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long is about 1900 km by land.

    • The most fastest and comfortable way how to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay is to take a direct flight. There are flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong and Van Don in Cai Rong. Flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong takes only about 2 hours and it costs about $50-150/pp. From Hai Phong you can travel by boat/ferry to Cat Ba Island or you can take a bus to Ha Long City or Tuan Chau Island. Van Don in Cai Rong is a good airport if you want to continue to Quan Lan Island or Co To Island. If you want to travel by land, you can take a sleeper train to Hanoi (or Ninh Binh) and from Hanoi/Ninh Binh you can take a bus to Ha Long or Cat Ba Island. Travel time by train from Saigon to Hanoi is about 35-37 hours and travel time by bus from Hanoi to Ha Long is about 2-3 hours. From Ha Long city (Bai Chay bus station) you can travel by local public bus to Cai Rong and Van Don, it takes about 1 hours. Book your train and bus tickets or flights from Saigon to Ha Long Bay (Hai Phong, Van Don) online.

How do I get from Ho Chi Minh City to Halong Bay?

1. TRAIN + BUS from Ho Chi Minh City to Halong Bay

1.step – Train from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi

Bạn đang xem: how to get to ha long

    • travel distance by train is about 1900 km (about 6 trains every day)
    • travel by train from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi takes about 35-37 hours
    • 1st class+2nd class trains of Vietnam Railways, seats or comfortable berths
    • train ticket price is about $30-70/pp (hard or soft seats, 4-6 berth sleeper cabin)
    • book and buy train e-tickets from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi on Baolau icon-external-link-square or hanoitohalong.com icon-external-link-square
    • you will receive your train e-ticket by email, ready to print or carry in your smartphone or tablet and present when boarding the train in Saigon Railway Station

2.step – Bus or Limousine/Van from Hanoi to Halong Bay

    • a fast and comfortable way how to travel from Hanoi to Ha Long
    • travel by bus/limousine from Hanoi to Ha Long takes about 2.5-4 hours
    • various bus companies and also cheap bus tickets
    • bus ticket costs about $5-23/pp (depends on company and type of bus)
    • you can also travel by train from Hanoi to Hai Phong (tickets on Baolau, hanoitohalong.com)
    • read this article: How to go from Hanoi to Halong Bay?
Trains in Vietnam are modern and comfortable – soft seats and 4-berth cabin (photo: Baolau).

2. FLIGHTS from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong / Van Don

Travel by plane is the most fastest and comfortable way how to travel from Saigon to Ha Long Bay in the north of Vietnam. From Hai Phong you can continue to Cat Ba Island and from Van Don (Cai Rong) you can travel by ferry to Quan Lan Island and Co To Island. From Hai Phong you can also travel by bus or limousine to Ha Long City. 1. Flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong

    • Hai Phong is about 50 km from Ha Long
    • flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong takes about 2 hours
    • flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong costs about $50-150/pp
    • between Hai Phong and Ha Long you can travel by various buses and limousines
    • from Hai Phong you can also travel by bus + ferry to Cat Ba Island
    • book your flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong online on Baolau icon-external-link-square or hanoitohalong.com icon-external-link-square

2. Flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Van Don (about 60 km from Ha Long)

    • there was opened a new international airport at the Van Don Island (Cai Rong)
    • a good airport if you want to travel to Quan Lan Island and Co To Island
    • flight from Saigon to Van Don takes about 2-2.5 hour
    • flight from Saigon to Van Don costs about $100/pp
    • book your flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Van Don online on Baolau icon-external-link-square
Direct flight to Hai Phong / Van Don from Saigon is the most fastest way of transport.

icon-map-marker Halong Bay / Cat Ba Island / Quan Lan – Tourist map:

15 best Ha Long Bay cruises.
15 best and cheap hotels in Ha Long Bay.
15 best luxury hotels and resorts in Ha Long Bay.

Đang hot: The Legend of Halong Bay: Discover Myths Behind The Names

Baolau – book and buy tickets and flights online

– at Baolau you can search and book train, boat/ferry, bus tickets and flights – tickets for the ferries and boats in Vietnam (eg. ferry to Phu Quoc, Con Dao to Saigon, ferry to Nam Du, ferry to Cat Ba..) – tickets for Malaysia (eg. Kuala Lumpur to Malacca, Malacca to Penang, Johor Bahru to Kota Bharu…) – the price of tickets or flights is from the official price of transport company or airlines – you can use your online train e-ticket in mobile phone in Vietnam (Recommended – print your ticket) – read other information about ticket before you order, read also frequently asked questions on Baolau

hanoitohalong.com – book and buy tickets and flights online

– at hanoitohalong.com you can book the train, boat/ferry, bus tickets and flights for various countries in Asia – boat tickets in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos eg. ferry to Mui Ne, Koh Rong, Koh Samui, Koh Chang, Koh Lanta, Koh Tao… – tickets for the main routes in Thailand, eg: Bangkok to Krabi, Bangkok to Chiang Mai, Bangkok to Surat Thani… – from 2018 you can book train tickets for China online (Beijing to Shanghai, Shanghai to Suzhou, Shanghai to Hangzhou..) – you can not use an online train ticket in Thailand, you have to print it (12go can deliver these train tickets in Thailand) – more information about traveling by train in Thailand – you can use an online train ticket in Vietnam in your mobile phone (not in Thailand) – if you book a ticket of private train in Vietnam to Lao Cai on hanoitohalong.com or Baolau (Orient Express, Sapaly…), you must pick it up at the station

Ha Long Bay offers an amazing karst sceneries and boat trips.
Ha Long Bay is one of the most visited places in Vietnam.
We can see also some modern cruises and boats in Ha Long Bay.
Cat Ba Island is the largest island in Ha Long Bay.
Quan Lan Island is also a good alternative to overcrowded Cat Ba Island.

icon-info-circle Frequently asked questions – Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay:

How to book tickets or flights from Saigon to Halong Bay?

    • You can book tickets or flights from Saigon to Halong Bay online on Baolau or hanoitohalong.com.

How long does it take from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay?

    • Travel by train+bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay (via Hanoi or Ninh Binh) takes about 40 hours.
    • Travel by plane from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong or Van Don takes about 2-2.5 hours.

How much does it cost from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay?

    • Travel by train+bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay (via Hanoi) costs about $34-90/pp.
    • Travel by plane from Ho Chi Minh City to Hai Phong or Van Don costs about $50-150/pp.

What is the travel distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay?

    • Travel distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay is about 1900 km by train+bus or about 1200 km by plane.

What is the most cheapest way to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long?

    • The most cheapest way of transport from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long is to travel by train or bus. But it is good to know – travel by train and bus takes a lot of time and it is not so comfortable for this long trip in Vietnam. If you want to skip central Vietnam, it is better to travel by plane.

We would like to travel by train, where to stop?

    • If you want to travel by train it is a good idea to visit central Vietnam and make a stop on this long journey. You can visit e.g. Da Nang or Hue, read this: Saigon to Da Nang – Schedule. In northern Vietnam you should definitely visit Ninh Binh. From Ninh Binh to Ha Long you can travel by tourist bus or minivan (about 4 hours).

What is the best and fast way to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay?

    • The best and fastest way how to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay is to travel by plane. There are direct flights to Hai Phong and Van Don, it takes only about 2 hours. Hai Phong is about 70 km from Ha Long town and Van Don is about 10 km from Cai Rong Port. There are boats/ferries to Co To Island or Quan Lan Island from Cai Rong port. Direct flights is also the fastest way how to reach Halong Bay from southern Vietnam.

How to get from Cat Ba Island in Ha Long Bay to Hanoi?

    • From Cat Ba Island to Hanoi you can travel by bus (+boat transfer to Hai Phong or Tuan Chau). Check the current updated bus schedule – Cat Ba to Hanoi. Cat Ba Island is the most visited and biggest tourist island in Ha Long Bay.

The best rated cruises in Ha Long Bay > Belezza Cruise ▶ Bhaya Classic ▶ The Au Co ▶ Pelican Halong Cruise ▶ Royal Palace Cruise ▶ Halong Silversea Cruise ▶ Alica Cruise ▶ Aphrodite Cruises ▶ Syrena Cruises ▶ Paradise Luxury Cruise ▶ Viola Cruise ▶ Signature Royal Cruise

icon-arrow-circle-right Book your train / bus tickets or flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long:

(You can change your departure and arrival place, eg. Saigon > Hanoi, Hanoi > Ha Long Bay, Hanoi > Cat Ba Island…)

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Hanoi to Ha Long Bay icon-angle-double-right

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